School Bus Information

- is more than 3.2 kilometres (by road or walkway) from their catchment area school for students in Elementary school;
- is more than 4 kilometres (by road or walkway) from their catchment area school for students in Middle and High schools;

- are Elementary students who live 3.2 or less kilometres from their catchment area school;
- are Middle and High school students who live 4.0 kilometres or less from their catchment area school; and,
- are students attending a school outside of their English catchment area, including French Immersion.
Ineligible students who apply and are issued a bus pass are known as "Courtesy Riders." Courtesy Riders are accommodated on scheduled routes if space is available, and available seats are allocated based on distance from school. Bussing is not guaranteed for ineligible riders.
Spring Creek Community School: Cheakamus Crossing neighbourhood, West Side/Alta Lake Rd. area, Tamarisk/Twin Lakes area, and Function Junction area.

For the 2024-2025 school year, bus registration opens on May 6, 2024, and closes on July 31, 2024. Early registration is encouraged, and eligible students who register before the start of the school year will have a bus pass produced and delivered to the mailing address provided on the online registration form. Eligible students who apply after the start of the school year will have a bus pass produced and delivered to their school as soon as possible.
Students applying as a courtesy rider (ineligible rider) will not be allocated a seat and pass until October 15, 2024, when ridership lists are finalized.
Historically, bus registration was required annually. However, starting the 2024-2025 school year, students who register will receive a bus pass that will remain valid for the duration of a student’s school years. Therefore, students must ensure they keep the passes safe and secure over the summer months, ready for use again in each of the following school years.
Bus registration for your child is confirmed when you receive an email from the Transportation Department informing you of the before and after school pick-up location with approximate time and bus number. Should your child not qualify for school bus transportation, the Transportation Department will reach out to inform you.
The registration process helps us plan and create bus routes for the upcoming school year. Our staff makes every effort to accommodate all riders based on eligibility criteria and available seats. However, the District cannot guarantee ridership.
Please note: Transportation can only accept one registration per child. However, all addresses must be listed if a student has more than one home address.

The safe transportation of students is everyone's concern. It requires cooperation among students, parents, drivers, teachers and school administrators.
Please take a moment to review the following documents on school bus safety and expected behaviours while riding a school bus.
Safety and Behaviour on School Buses
When We Stop, You Stop (poster)