Information & Communication Technology Department (ICT)

About Us:
Aligned with, and in service to, our District’s Strategic Plan, the ICT Department serves to support the current and future technical operations and educational needs of staff, students, and parents. The ICT department is responsive to changes in best practice and organizational needs, with a core understanding that technology is a tool to enhance and amplify teaching and learning; it does not dictate educational initiatives.

Department Vision:
Aligned with, and in service to, our District’s Strategic Plan, the ICT Department serves to support the current and future technical operations and educational needs of staff, students, and parents. The ICT department is responsive to changes in best practice and organizational needs, with a core understanding that technology is a tool to enhance and amplify teaching and learning; it does not dictate educational initiatives.

Key Strategies:
Pathways to Learning describes the instructional STRATEGIES of Assessment, Collaboration, Play & Exploration, Purpose & Authenticity, Technology, and Engagement, guided by the First Peoples' Principles of Learning, that will lead to deeper learning for our students. These pathways guide our work and are represented in our department strategies outlined below:
- Enhance communication and collaboration tools.
- Supply reliable access to cloud-based educational resources.
- Strengthen teacher capacity and competency development.
- Provide ongoing support through the ICT Help Desk.
- Maintain district server and network resources.