Learning Services Department Overview

About Us:
The District Learning Services Department is comprised of Masters-level specialists in their respective fields. We are committed to ensuring that all children with or without an inclusive education category will get the support they need and are supported by an attuned adult who believes that a child will succeed is essential. We plan and design for all children's functional needs and create individualized student learning plans or individualized education plans to support those needs.

Department Vision:
At School District No.48 we believe that every child deserves a quality education by design. We recognize and celebrate that brain development is unique to each individual, occurring in different ways and at different rates. We believe that meaningful learning can be experienced and demonstrated by all. With this in mind, we design for inclusion and personalization. We aim to layer in invisible supports through a collaborative support model that co-assesses, co-plans, and co-teaches personalized learning to support each child's functional needs.

Key Strategies:
Creating safe, purposeful, and powerful learning environments include important STRUCTURES which enhance core competency development, while also enhancing important protective factors and reducing known risk factors for children. We will continue to explore outdoor learning spaces, flexible settings, pro-social groupings, and flexible scheduling for students and teachers. ‘Collaborative Models of Support’ will bring teachers together for purposeful dialogue using data to plan invisible interventions within the classroom. These pathways guide our work and are represented in our department strategies outlined below:
- Administration of specialized assessments.
- The development of unique school and classroom supports.
- Implementation, creation, and support of Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
- Supporting students and their families through the IEP process.

Please find below a PDF version of all the Learning Services Department Information: