Living and Learning Together

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Rethinking Learning and Teaching:
We work to align our practice with the Early Learning Framework (2019) and seek to find new and creative ways to keep learning experiences dynamic and exploratory for children.  We engage in practices that help us listen to and notice children, think critically about our beliefs and values, collaborate with others to consider multiple perspectives, and document significant moments from our daily practice to share with colleagues, children, and families.
Rethinking Learning and Practice
Students learn with and from each other.  Thus, we intentionally have children work in partners and groups of various sizes so they learn to value collaboration and develop the skills needed to work alongside others.  We support children as they learn to listen to and communicate with each other in a respectful way.  Children learn to negotiate, problem-solve, and compromise as they work towards common goals.  We
encourage children to participate and contribute, and to value the voices and perspectives of others.
Four Blankets
We empower students to develop self-awareness skills by engaging children in self-reflective practices.  We prompt children to notice their own thoughts, actions, ideas, feelings, and learning.  We help them understand their relationship with themselves, their family, their community, and land, culture, and broader perspectives.  We help children articulate or represent their thinking using multiple modalities.  It is our hope that all children are able to identify their own interests and strengths, areas for growth, and goals moving forward.
Communicating Student Learning:
Families receive timely information about their child's learning in a variety of ways.  Letters home, email, newsletters, student presentations, portfolios, various digital media, and report cards are just a few of the ways we share.