How to Register



Registration is closed for the summer!
Our usual registration process is currently closed. During this time, families can fill out a webform which will act as a placeholder to register your child when schools re-open on August 26th. 


This includes:

  • Kindergarten;
  • Requests for Transfer;
  • Early French Immersion (Squamish Area);
  • Late French Immersion (Whistler and Pemberton Area); 
  • St'a7mes School (Cultural Journeys and Learning Expeditions)
  • New Students to the District (Grades 1-12); and;
  • Sea to Sky Full-Time Online 10-12 Program.
Step One:
Please fill out a student information webform, which includes basic contact information such as name, email address, physical address and student name and grade. This webform will act as a placeholder, and will be time and date stamped. 


Step Two:

When schools re-open on August 26th, you will be contacted to make an appointment to come in and complete your registration at your English catchment school.

Please Note the Following Important Information:
  • In some cases there may be a waitlist for certain schools and programs of choice depending on available seats. The school principal will provide further information on the waitlist process. 
  • Some school clericals may choose to return to school prior to August 26th, in which case you will be contacted early. 
Documentation Required:


For your school appointment, students must be registered in person by a parent or guardian and the following original documentation must be presented at the time of registration:

  1. Completed Registration Form;
  2. Completed Out-of-Catchment Transfer Form (if applicable);
  3. Proof of British Columbia residency;
  4. Student’s BC Care Card;
  5. Student’s official Birth Certificate;
  6. Immunization records (if available);
  7. Immigration / Citizenship / Permanent Resident documentation, if applicable; and,
  8. Legal guardian, custody or court order document, if applicable

NOTE: We do require these documents for registration and if you have lost them or don’t have them at the moment, please discuss with the school principal and they will assist you in making a plan and timeline to obtain the proper documents to complete the registration. Proof of residency could include the following documents: (hydro or phone bills, rental agreement, driver’s license, etc.).



Squamish Catchment Boundary Changes:

*Effective for September 2023 Enrollment and beyond!


Click here, or view below map, to review the updated Squamish catchments prior to registration.


The following neighborhood catchments have been updated:

  • Northyards
  • Loggers Lane (north at Finch Drive)
  • Tantalus Road (north of Executive Suites)
  • Skyridge


All students currently attending school from these neighbourhoods and siblings who may be starting Kindergarten in September 2023 or later will not be impacted by these changes as they will be permitted to attend their current school. The catchment boundary changes only apply to future students without siblings already enrolled, who are of Kindergarten age starting September 2023 or later.


For more information about the approval process, click here

If you have aditional questions, please contact the School Board office at 604-892-5228